Reflecting once more on my childhood memories, I recall the sense of excitement and uncertainty that came with road travel, whether it be in a car or a train. As a child I held no control over our direction, subject to the autobahns and backwoods roads of many family outings. Sometimes I, like many others, would imagine myself flying next to the car, soaring over the landscape at frightening speeds, knowing only my destination and trusting that everything else would lead me there. Those were the odysseys of my youth. Despite my autonomy and ability to drive I often enjoy being in the passenger seat. It’s a comfort, in a way, to trust my safe passage to family, friends, or whoever was the conductor of our journey. The Odysseys, titled by the route and highway numbers traversed, are another way for me to explore my surroundings in a more fleeting, ephemeral sense. I can seldom return to the exact same locations on my travels, for no two moments are ever the same, but I can keep that sense of wandering alive through these photographs, the fleeting images of a world flying by.